Uncover your inner

Brilliant business idea?
Burning ambition to change things up?

Or do you just want to find out if you have more to offer the world than your school results might show?

Only in this course can you make personal industry contacts, set up a side hustle, then graduate to university if you choose.

Now, that’s innovative.

Preparing you for success.

Knoei Colab in school

Start here, go anywhere

Join the exciting world of entrepreneurship with Knoei Colab’s innovation diploma*, a cool and different way to prepare for university through project-based learning.

But studying the diploma won’t feel like school. You’ll work with your peers and industry leaders plus attend specialist labs with other students.

Best of all, you’ll start up a business that the world really needs by solving a problem that matters most to you.

Get started

Knoei Turbo post school

You’re meant for bigger things than you’re doing right now.

So you’ve left school and you’re finding your way. With Australia’s first Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation*, you can study for 12 months while you work – and start the business you’ve always dreamed about.

We promise you it won’t feel like school. You’ll attend virtual tutorials delivered after hours (so it doesn’t mess with your work schedule) with self-paced online and virtual webinars.

The program works the same way as the longer in-school program.
We just speed up your experience so you can get it done faster and get your new life started.

Get started

Join the exciting world of entrepreneurship with Knoei Colab’s innovation diploma*,
a cool and different way to prepare for university through project-based learning.

Module 1

Innovators mindset


  • Critical thinking – apply skills in a team environment
  • Self insight
  • Working with team dynamics
  • Develop and use Emotional intelligence
  • Self organisation

Module 2

Creative problem solving


  • Market research
  • Evaluate marketing opportunities
  • Project management – undertake project work
  • Problem solving

Module 3

Developing the solution


  • Design product experiments
  • Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
  • Business model design

Module 4

Prototyping the solution


  • Define a minimum viable product and validate your idea
  • Build and maintain business relationships
  • Decision making

Module 5

Rapid business planning


  • Research and develop business plans
  • Small business structuring & setup
  • Business strategy
  • Small business financial basics

Module 6

Getting to market


  • Build and maintain business relationships
  • Communicate with influence
  • Secure funding to launch and grow a startup

*11210NAT Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
provided by Monarch Institute 22530

For Parents

Why is the Knoei Colab the right choice ?

The traditional Diploma of Business offered in many schools prepares students to work in a business. Our innovation Diploma* prepares students to start their own business using real life business tools.

Many teenagers have are looking to earn money and turn a hobby into a side hustle. Their technical skills in coding, streaming, gaming, graphics, robotics, music and content creation have been well developed through extra-curricular programs through junior school. Some teens also find traditional learning at school too theoretical and want to learn by doing. The Knoei Colab fills a gap and provides a practical outlet for these passions and preferences, giving another pathway for teens who are “outside the box”.

The Knoei Colab is a unique vocational program. In addition to offering a qualification with university an industry pathways, students learn collaboratively in groups and work with students from other schools at our face to face learning labs.

What's a Colab?

A colab is a short term for collaboration. The Knoei Colab encourages collaborative peer and project based learning in both our labs and learning tutorials. Our students collaborate on learning virtually each week before they attend their tutorials which is where we help them make their learning “sticky” by applying their learning together.

How much is the Knoei Colab?

Download our latest program brochure for a full breakdown of our costs.

Payment plans are also available.

Who are the Colab teachers?

Our facilitators are either qualified high school, vocational and/or university educators with a broad range of innovation experience. They are experienced entrepreneurial educators (many who have launched their own start-up) with a depth of knowledge, practical skills in business and a track record of supporting our students to reach their full potential.

Some schools will deliver the Knoei Colab with qualified teachers who have completed the Knoei Colab and certified by groei education to deliver the course.

Is this question a little misleading, given some schools will run the course in-house with their own teachers?

Do you have scholarships?

We offer limited industry and community supported scholarships. You can submit your application for a partly funded place in the Colab. Let us know when you submit your form you are interested to apply.

What's your registration process?

Registration is 4 easy steps:

  1. Register your details.
  2. Attend an info session.
  3. Meet with a team member to make sure this is the right fit for you.
  4. We’ll invite you to formally enrol.

Get started now

Why should my student start a business?

The skills that students gain from starting a business provide a depth of experience that applies to life: whether students continue to run the business, full time part time or as a hobby.

Supporting your teenager to start a business can equip them with essential skills for the future, fostering creativity, resilience, and financial literacy. It instills a sense of responsibility and independence, fostering an enterprising spirit. This practical experience can offer invaluable lessons beyond the classroom, giving them a competitive edge in their future careers, teaching them to innovate, and navigate real-world challenges. In an uncertain future where many jobs and careers are not yet imagined, these critical skills will be essential.

Do you have payment plans?

Download our latest program brochure for a full breakdown of our costs including an overview of the payment plans

For School Students

How long does the Colab take to finish?

The Knoei Colab is delivered over 18 months.

You can start the Diploma* in term 1 of Year 11 and complete it at the end of term 2  in Year 12.

Some schools start Year 11 in term 4 of Year 10 so if your school does offer this as part of their timetable you can join our Term 4 cohort intake as a virtual student.

If your school has enough students, they might run the Knoei Colab as a class. If not, you can learn after-hours or talk to your school guidance counsellor in set planning or afterwards to organise a spare for you to attend one of our virtual tutorials during school hours.

The Diploma is delivered over 12 months without holiday breaks for Year 13s (school-leavers). You can start the Diploma with our intakes in October or January.

How do I learn?

The Colab is an alternative learning program that supports young people who like to learn differently. With no exams and supported group learning, the program is designed to suit your learning style with topics that make you curious.

  • Learn online every week with our 90-minute virtual tutorials.
  • Meet and work with other students, industry and experienced founders at our face-to-face learning labs.
  • Attend masterclasses, watch entrepreneur interviews, and learn information to get your ideas flowing through our learning platform.
Can I start if I’m already in Grade 12?

You can still start the Knoei Colab in term 1 or term 4. Many of our Year 12 students often do this and take a gap year the year after school and complete the last 6 months of the program while working so you can graduate the program the following June. Some schools still allow you to attend on campus to complete or you can continue to dial in or join a virtual tutorial.

Is Knoei a school?

No but we are an education provider and have been working with adults and young adults as students for over 20 years. You can complete our programs as alternatives to mainstream schooling or include the Diploma in your subject selection at your current school.

What happens once I’ve enrolled?

You’ll receive an onboarding email with all the information you’ll need for the Colab including student logins and timetables. Put the lab dates in your diary and select your preferred class times. You will receive instructions on how to submit your class preference form in your enrolment and orientation information.

I just want a business. Do I need the qualification?

The Knoei Colab helps you start a business and you also get the Diploma*. Stay tuned for new programs being released soon to help you start your business without the qualification.

Are there any pre-requisites?

You need to be at least 15 years old to start the Knoei Colab.

It would be great if you’ve participated in an in-school or extracurricular entrepreneurial or innovation subject or activity but this isn’t essential.

You’ll also need to meet our program’s required literacy and numeracy standards. The good news is, though, that if you’re mostly passing English and Maths, you’re at the right standard for this course.

Do I have to do exams?

No exams! The Knoei Colab is purely project-based learning. Your assessment is completed throughout the program through your uploaded tasks and observations by our assessors at the labs.

#idontlikeschool Will I cope?

You’ll do most of your learning at home each week unless the program is delivered in your school classroom.

Students love the Knoei Colab if they are in Distance Ed or being home schooled because the face-to-face learning is only twice a term.

And you get to meet other students from other schools when you do get together at our learning labs 11 times over the 18 months.

So the overwhelm is actually underwhelm and easy to manage!

Is there a uniform?

We give you a t-shirt to wear during the program. You’ll only need to wear this at the learning labs.

For Careers

What other subjects do I need to finish school?

It is best to discuss this with your school’s careers advisor as every student’s situation is different.

At a minimum, you’ll need to pass Maths and English and up to 3 other subjects (depending on other courses you’ve taken). Your 15-minute call with our student support team will be an opportunity to discuss your specific needs.

The Diploma, ATAR, QCE how does it work?

Completed VET qualifications like the Knoei Colab’s Diploma* can be used towards your ATAR or on its own for admission to university. The Diploma* has direct pathways to several universities. Each university sets a different ATAR selection rank for graduates of our diploma.

On completion, you receive 8 points towards the 20 points you need to receive your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and graduate from Year 12.

Completed VET qualifications like the Knoei Colab’s Diploma* can be used through QTAC when applying to university. Each University applies a different ATAR selection rank to Diploma’s. The Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation * has direct pathways to several universities. Some of our students choose not to do the ATAR pathway at school as the Diploma provides them the options they need. Many of our students complete the ATAR subject pathway at schools and most students only need to complete 4 general subjects at school to be eligible for an ATAR.

Which universities provide pathways?

The Diploma* has direct pathways to several universities. Each university sets a different ATAR rank for graduates of our Diploma. Read more here.

These partners offered a pre-assessed ATAR selection rank and credit pathway for some degrees. All Australian universities should accept a Diploma on application when applying for a Bachelor degree and will assess for credit at time of application.

I want to go to uni. How does the Colab help?

Completed VET qualifications like the Knoei Colab’s Diploma* can be used through QTAC when applying to university. Each University applies a different ATAR selection rank to Diploma’s. The Diploma of Entrepreneurship and Innovation * has direct pathways to several universities. Some of our students choose not to do the ATAR pathway at school as the Diploma provides them the options they need. Many of our students complete the ATAR subject pathway at schools and most students only need to complete 4 general subjects at school to be eligible for an ATAR.

I've dropped out of Uni. Can I do the Colab?

Yes. Our Year13Plus program is designed to help students up to age 25 have more choices and create the future you want.

The Diploma is delivered over 12 months without holiday breaks for Year 13Plus. You can start the Diploma with our intakes in October or January.

I didn't finish school. Can I do the Colab?

Yes. You’ll just need to meet our program’s required literacy and numeracy standards. The good news is, though, that if you passed English and Maths, you’re at the right standard for this course. Let us know when you register and we’ll guide you through the enrolment process to make it easy for you.

  Get liftoff.