
Knoei and Tomorrow’s Hope

The Knoei Programs (Colab for High School students and Turbo for school leavers) are entrepreneurship incubators that provides pathways and choices for young people. Students not only ideate and incubate a start-up idea and learn the business skills to commercialise, they complete the program with a Nationally Accredited qualification, pathways to University, a Job, being the owner of their own business (or all 3!).  The Knoei programs are a cool and different way for young people to prepare for the future through peer and project based learning. The best part is that students get to solve problems that the world really needs and a problem that matters to them the most.

The story of two Knoei students, Kit and Michael developing their start-up idea Tomorrow’s Hope through the Knoei Colab program, showcases the innovative spirit and problem-solving skills that the program nurtures. At the heart of their journey, Tomorrow’s Hope is a start-up aimed at addressing something close to both their hearts, the pressing issue of mental health and suicide in teenagers.

Beyond Collaboration: Building Industry Titans

Kit, a visionary at 17, was introduced to the Knoei Colab through his school’s entrepreneurship program. His passion for making a tangible difference in society was the seed from which Tomorrow’s Hope sprouted. Michael, after a gap year and with a profound interest in carving his own entrepreneurial path, found his calling in the program. Whilst Michael started out with another start-up idea, their mutual respect, shared experiences and interests brought the two of them together as co-founders.

The synergy between Kit and Michael, despite their different backgrounds and skills, exemplifies the collaborative culture fostered by Knoei Programs. It creates a space for learning that emphasises the importance of teamwork and leveraging individual strengths to overcome challenges. In an era where technology and ethics are increasingly intertwined, Kit and Michael are conscientious about the implications of integrating AI into Tomorrow’s Hope. Their start-up experience requires them to navigate the ethical standards and responsible innovation by using AI as the core of their product.  As they gear up for developing a high-fidelity prototype and initiating user testing, their story is not just about a start-up but about shaping responsible future leaders.

The narrative of Kit and Michael embodies the transformative essence of what programs like this can do for young people, keen to explore their start-up ideas.  More than an incubator, it’s a crucible for future leaders, emphasising real-world challenges, mentorship, and a supportive learning environment. This program is about crafting a new breed of innovators and leaders, poised to make significant contributions to society.

The Knoei Advantage

The advantage that these programs offer that many other entrepreneurship and innovation programs can not –  is ‘time’. While most high school innovation and entrepreneurship programs offer fabulous short intense experiences spanning a weekend, school holidays, or a few weeks at most culminating in one pitch event, the Knoei Colab sets itself apart with its 12 to 18-month comprehensive program. This extended timeframe is not just a commitment to supporting students to contextualise knowledge and learning, but to also allow them to practice applying this knowledge over and over again. Students are learning not only how to ideate but also how to transform these ideas into market-ready ventures. The time frame is crucial for developing, testing, and refining business concepts, ensuring students like Kit and Michael are not just dreamers but doers, equipped with the necessary tools for tangible success.

Your Pathway to Innovation Awaits

Are you ready to embark on a journey like Kit and Michael’s? A Knoei program is your gateway to turning innovative ideas into reality.

Do you have an awesome idea brewing inside you?.. or do you know someone that does! Check out our start-up cash competition. Its an opportunity to kickstart a venture with essential funding.

Click here to submit your entry and tell us about your idea.

Students can engage into this program through our unique hybrid delivery mode (from wherever they are) or as part of the school curriculum.  If you are a parent and or school leader and keen to know more about how this program can help the young people in your world (like Kit and Michael) – get in touch here

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